Serbian Beginner 1(Online)
$330 + GST = $363
0410 397 017
$330 + GST = $363
$400 + GST = $440
$350 + GST= $385 *10% off if pay 2 weeks in advance!!!
$330 + GST = $363
$320 + GST = $352 (9-week course)
$250 + GST = $275 (6-week course)
$150 + GST = $165 (1-day Holiday Camp)
$330+GST = $363
$340+GST = $374
$335 +GST = $368.5
$330+GST = $363
$330+GST = $363
“Good sense of humour. Relaxed atmosphere, lots of info and fun.” (Ian, Italian Beginner 1 Student, March 2023 Session)
“Very efficient, easily understandable, nice teacher.” (Emma, Italian Beginner 1 Student, June 2022 Session)
“She was very thorough and a good teacher. I liked that we learnt the basics of a new language.” (Dominique, Italian Beginner 1 Student, September 2022 Session)
“Very interesting and had an extensive knowledge of the course and Italian.” (Ronin, Italian Beginner 1 Student, March 2022 Session)
“I like the fact that we are learning to make sentences and not just being taught phrases.” (Italian Beginner 1 Student, January 2022 Intake)
“Katarina is amazing and very helpful.” (Italian Beginner 1 Student, January 2022 Intake)
“Katarina is excellent.” (Leanne, Italian Beginner 1 Student, January 2022 Intake)
“I love this course. I got new friendships with classmates and Katarina.” (Italian Beginner 1 Student, January 2022 Intake)
“Very supportive and always available to help! Great class with enthusiastic and supportive teacher.” (Alana, Italian Beginner 1 Student, January 2022 Intake)
“Wonderful tutor. Very helpful! Katarina is a very good tutor with lots of materials.” (Italian Beginner 1 Student, January 2022 Intake)
“She is engaging, interesting and I liked that she added cultural references and info. It was fun.” (Sonia, Italian Beginner 1 Student, October 2021 Intake)
“I enjoyed everything. Katarina was the best!!!” (Josipa, Italian Beginner 1 Student, October 2021 Intake)
“Very well rounded learning. All topics were covered.” (Frances, Italian Beginner 1 Student, October 2021 Intake)
“Amazing teacher! So engaging and great. I really liked how well we all interacted as a group.” (Matea, Italian Beginner 1 Student, October 2021 Intake)
“Lots of fun and friendly teacher. Informative especially culturally.” (Milena, Italian Beginner 1 Student, March 2021 Intake)
“Katarina is a great teacher.” (Selena, Italian Beginner 1 Student, August 2021 Intake)
“Fun and positive teacher. She’s a good tutor.” (Jessica, Italian Beginner 1 Student, August 2021 Intake)
“Katarina is great. She covered a lot. I liked the the cultural stories as well as the language.” (Liz, Italian Beginner 1 Student, May 2021 Intake)
“Katarina is a very good tutor. The grammar helped a lot.We had great time.” (Ryan, Italian Beginner 1 Student, May 2021 Intake)
“I liked the focus on grammar as a basis for the language.” (Italian Beginner 1 Student, January 2021 Intake)
“Really enjoyed the course. The class size is small and fun.” (Robert, Italian Beginner 1 Student, January 2021 Intake)
“Ivan is approachable and patient.” (Shannon, Italian Beginner 1, January 2021 Intake)