From many years of experience we know that suitable learning materials can not only help students learn more effectively but also reduce the workload of a teacher.
The highly-qualified staffs at Sydney Language Solutions understand what the best structure is for a two-hour lesson aimed at a beginner. We also understand the difficulties that most language teachers have to overcome to create suitable teaching materials.
This is why we have created our free sample lesson page! Our aim is to provide you with a very simple sample lessons in some popular languages. It will give you flexible and easy access to a comprehensive bank of high-quality e-learning material which is rich in activities, graphics, audio files, simulations and scenarios, as well as opportunities for reflection.
The materials can be used for the following: to deliver the specific learning outcomes of Sydney Language Solution’s short courses (one sample lesson is for two hours); for a Skype lesson; for one two-hour tutor session or to provide a flexible resource or reference library for tutors, learners and for interested students like you.
To obtain a free document file of the lesson, you simply click on Free Sample Lesson in your language of interest and provide us with your email address. You will then be able to download the file.
To obtain audio files of these sample lessons, you simply click on Free Audio File in your language of interest and provide us with your email address. You will then be able to download the audio file. These files are the real recordings made in each class, so if you are interested in taking a lesson with us in the future, you can listen and get an indication of what a lesson is like.
We welcome your opinion and feedback to help improve our sample materials.
By downloading these files, you are considered to completely understand and accept the Terms and Conditions of using Sydney Language Solution’s materials as well as intellectual property and privacy issues relating to the file.