Winning the IELTS Listening Test
1. Write what they are looking for
Whether they want a number, True, False, one word or “no more than three words” in the answer, follow the instructions exactly, otherwise your answer will be 100% wrong.
2. Timing is extremely important!
The listening part is only played once; there is no excuse or chance to repeat it. Therefore, stay awake and concentrate. Don’t go to sleep late the night before because you can never imagine the consequence of it. Within the set time limits, students need to finish all answers correctly and completely in order to achieve a high mark.
3. Before the audio track starts
Have a read of all the questions and the printed answer on the exam papers in the very first 90 seconds. Make the most of these times; be ready, set, and go!
4. Don’t be distracted
The confusing part is when you may see all the answers on the answer sheet. However, there is only one correct answer. Therefore students need to understand the whole conversation, don’t be distracted!
5. Spelling
Pay a great deal of attention to your writing, try to make it easy for the examiner to read. You will lose marks even if you miss a single letter in a word. Check all the words you have problems with and practise them.
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