Tips for OET test

1)       In OET test reading section, skim and indentify key words are essential skill students should master. There is no need to read and understand every single word in the reading texts. By applying these methods, you can quickly find the answers for the questions without wasting time read through the whole passage.

2)       In the actual OET test, before each section of the listening test, there will be a 1 minute for you to skim to all the questions and answer in your test booklet. As for a smart exam taker, you should make the most of this precious time. Students usually easily fall behind when they try to look at the questions, answer tables and listen to the conversation CD at the same time. The CD is only played one time, so there is no chance for you to listen again in any circumstance. Different kind of tests underline different strategies and trick, students who can understand the test well definitely can earn higher mark.

3)       As a saying goes “Practise make perfect”, the more English you speak, the better you will become. Learning how to speak is a long journey as it is not your native language. You may find difficulty in pronouncing certain words and fully express your thought in a professional-specific conversation. Keep in mind that English is classified as a stressed language rather than syllabic. English pronunciation spotlight the specific stressed words while rapidly gliding over non-stressed words in the sentence. You will certainly be surprised at how smooth your speaking skill is by focusing on stressed words and lastly be confident as you always should be!!!

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