The Top 5 of Typical Dutch Stuff

When you are planning to go to the Netherlands, there are some typical Dutch things which you have to know. A Dutch newspaper asked its readers what is “typical Dutch”. They compiled a list of the 100 top typical Dutch things. I share the first five with you.

1. Molens (windmills).

You can find them everywhere in the Dutch landscapes. Originally windmills were developed for milling grain for food production. There are many different species, each one of them have another function.

2. Sinterklaas (Sint Nikolaas or Saint Nicholas).

The Dutch children do not believe in Santa Claus. Back in the Netherlands we have “sinterklaas”. He gives the children present at his birthday at the 5th of December.

3. Klompen (wooden shoes).

In the past many people walked on wooden shoes. These days only some farmers used them. But you still see them everywhere. It’s one of the most original souvenirs.

4. Oranje gevoel  (orange color sentiment).

Orange is the Dutch color. During international soccer games and Queens day, everything in the Netherlands turns orange. Streets are decorated by the Dutch and orange flags, people wearing orange clothes and everywhere you go you see orange attributes.

5. Tulpen (tulips).

Holland is the land of the tulips. Many tourists are visiting the country to see the flowers and taking a look at the bulb fields who are gorgeously colorful.

There are a lot more typical Dutch things like the “elfstedentocht”(eleven cities tour). This is the world largest skating competition. Also not to forget the “haring”(herring), the famous Dutch brined herring, served with chopped onions. And last but not least our “Drop”, a chewy kind of candy with a sweet and/or salt taste. Dutch people are addicted to it. They are liking is so much that you can buy hundreds of different kinds of it.

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