Korean adjective

How To Conjugate Korean Adjectives and Verbs With Nouns

Every Korean verb finish with ~다 (da) which shows its identity as a verb when you look for the word from dictionaries. We call it “dictionary form of verb”. However we do not use those dictionary forms in the actual conversation which means that we need to change it into certain forms to make it naturally fit into the conversation.

When you connect adjectives to noun, you should use / – (depends on whether the adjective stem has the final consonants or not). Here are some examples,

다small, 가방 bag                     작은 가방 a small bag

예쁘다pretty, 친구 friend         예쁜 친구 a pretty friend

When you connect verbs to noun, is attached to the verb stems no matter what (does not matter whether the verb stem has the final consonants or not). For example,

좋아하다 like, 색 colour              좋아하는 색 the colour that I like

싫어하다 dislike, 음식 food       싫어하는 음식 the food that I dislike

Please remember that if you could be freely use adjectives in the appropriate contexts, your Korean will be dramatically improved in no time! 한국어 공부 파이팅! :=)


Ashley (Korean teacher)

Comparative and Superlative in Korean

How to express comparative and superlative sentences in Korean is not demanding at all. If you want to say ‘more’ /’less’ or compare two objects in Korean, you can simply put “ Deo” before adjectives/ verbs. For example, if you want to say “I would like to eat more”, you can simply say “ 먹고 싶어요 Deo meokgo shipeo yo”, and if It’s the opposite situation you can say “ 먹고 싶어요. Deol meokgo shipeo yo.”

In English, the words “most” and “best” can be used both adverbs and nouns. Similarly, we say 제일 (jeil) and 가장 (gajang) to express the superlative sentences in Korean. For example,
제일 예쁜 꽃 jeil yebbeun ggot” means the most beautiful flower, and 가장 예쁜 꽃 means the same.

Here are some examples:

1. 어떤 색깔이 가장 좋아요? Which colour is your favourite?

2. 요즘 제일 인기 있는 가수는 누구예요? Who is the most popular singer nowadays?

3. 호바트가 시드니보다 추워요. Hobart is colder than Sydney.


Ashley (Korean teacher)

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