Some stories about our Japanese Courses 7

Hi everyone,皆さん、おげんきですか。

In my Japanese classes, as usual, apart from regular activities of speaking, reading, listening, writing and dialogues making and performing, with use of the course book, “Genki 1”, I used flash cards that had letters, words and/or pictures. Also, audio-video based materials and had singing activities. One of the visual aids was a DVD borrowed from the Japan Foundation. (The DVD was made by the Ministry of Primary Industry of Japan.) It discusses fundamental merits and features of Japanese diet and its traditional food. Some experts in the industries and scholars also spoke in the DVD. It was very interesting.
Our newly started Intermediate 1, we began Kanji learning systematically apart from other aspects of the language learning. We use “Kanji-no Hon” (by K. Aitchson, 2001, MacMillan). The learning includes reading, writing and exercises of applying Kanji words and the idioms into sentences. In future, occasional homework of writing an essay, diary or letter with use of such Kanji words will be given to consolidate their knowledge and competence. The students are quite keen to increase Kanji and sometimes even ask me to write new Kanji on the board when we are studying with other book or materials.

As for Japanese society, technology, economy, etiquette etc, I introduced or informed with the articles about the following.
1.    Reports from a Japanese magazine “Nyuusu ga Wakaru” (Mar. 2012):
The magazine shows the pictures of some dogs and cats that are or were in Japan. Nowadays, cats and dogs live for many years just like their owners. Last December, a dog, Buusuke died at the age of 26 years and 9 months. The dog lived for the longest lifespan in the world according to the Guiness Book. Also the magazine shows the picture of a cat, Tomonari-kun. He is 26 years old and he still lives happily.

One of sources, which I read and showed in classes, reports that the Ward Office (government) of Suginami-ward of Tokyo, gives the Certificate to pet-owners whose pet lived longer than 16 years old, to encourage looking after the pets well.

2.    News from a magazine Jenta Sydney (9.3.12):
(a)    The World’s tallest tower Tokyo Sky Tree celebrates its completion and it will be open for the public soon.
(b)    Japan leads the world in cloud computing readiness, in trade industry. (News originally from Singapore, Feb. 22 Kyodo)
(c)    Toyoto dominates the U.S. consumer magazine’s 2012 top car picks. (News originally from TAMPA, Florida, Feb. 28 Kyodo)

( – So much of amazing/inspiring news!!)

Japanese Teacher, Toshiko Jackson

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