OET Writing: Treasure Vs. Trash!

The writing task of the OET is a test of your resource of English language skills as well as your ability to comprehend the situation presented to you.

It is this comprehension of the stimulus material that is vital to helping you determine what to include (in other words, TREASURE) in your letter and what NOT to include (i.e. TRASH).

So how should you decide what’s treasure? Consider the following:

  1. Your purpose/reason for writing the letter –for example, if you are writing a referral letter for a patient with a SPECIFIC condition (e.g hip replacement) then you should only include the relevant, important details regarding that complaint (e.g. aspirin given, dressings applied daily, etc.)
  2. Your audience – think about who you are writing to and WHAT they already know. For instance, if you are writing to the parents of a young patient, then they will already know her medical background/family background, etc. so you don’t have to include it! However, if you are referring them to a new medical professional, then the medical/family background should be outlined.
  3. Your current situation –always keep in mind what is going on with the patient/situation at the moment and what role your letter plays in the situation. This will help you to choose the appropriate language and tone to express your letter.

Sometimes you may get 3 pages of case notes and this can seem quite overwhelming. By considering the things I have mentioned above, I hope you can confidently break the case notes down into a well-written letter.

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Carol, OET teacher

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