The Part B reading section is a test of your comprehension ability. It involves two reading passages and respective multiple choice questions. Like many MCQs, there are usually two answers that are right. You have to choose the best one. You are interested in how to nail that one correct answer!
How do I get to the right answer?
1.If you have no idea, go through each of the options and cross off the ones which are definitely wrong. This will narrow your options down to two ususally.
2. If the question refers to a particular paragraph, and is asking you what the general meaning/implication is, this is usually given at the end/ opening sentence. If not, it’s what each of the sentences in the paragraph have in common. i.e. what it is trying to say collectively through the supporting sentences within the paragraph.
3. Usually the statements that are extreme or too precise are wrong. e.g. ALL A are B. A are always B. A is extremely B. etc Unless, directly stated in the paragraph/ article, medicine usually has lots of exceptions and grey areas. So avoid EXTREME/DEFINITIVE statements.
4. To improve comprehension ability, read read read lots of https://somabest.com health related articles. The aim is two fold 1) to read fast 2) to retain more. Susbscribe to health journal newsletters. Browse the health sites given to you in our program.
5. After you’ve read for 1 minute, cover the reading material and try to jot down as many points about the article as you can remember. If you do five of these activities daily, your comprehension skills will improve.

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