OET: How to say no to test anxiety?

1. Be prepared.
How come you can be confident if you are not prepared, in everything you do, not just for exam alone? Summary the main point for each chapter can save you lots of time.

2. Study efficiently.
There is no genius, genius is trained. Therefore, don’t just begin to study three nights before the exam. You simply kill your brain with the overwhelming terminology and can’t get good result definitely. Study is a lifelong process, therefore, it is essential that you can organize your study schedule and stick with it.

3. Love your body
Treat your body well and it will pay back for sure. Sleep well and have a nice meal before you sit for the exam.

4. Group work
Study in groups for the clinical exams may be useful. You can never predict how much you can learn from others friends

5. Answer the ones you know first.
Try to answer all the questions you know, leave time for the tricky one. Never invest too much time one question, otherwise you will certainly run out of time to finish others questions.

6. Yes! Be focus!
Some students may leave early in the test but it doesn’t mean you need to be rush. Steady wins the race! Therefore, concentrate on what you are doing, ignore what others are doing. Make the most of your exam period!

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