Listening – Select Missing Word

Question type #18 PTE Listening: Select missing word

Familiarise with how the question is formed

–       There are 2-3 questions, each of which refers to a brief lecture of 40-90 seconds.

–       The Topic will be on the screen in the instruction part.

–       You have 7 seconds to preview the topic and the 4-5 options before the lecture starts.

–       The lecture will be cut off when the time gauge reaches the end in the middle of the screen, when you hear a beep.

–       You need to choose 1 best response which logically finishes the lecture.

Understand how this question is scored

–       Each correct response will earn 1 mark

–       No extra penalty for wrong answer.

–       Maximum mark: 1; minimum mark: 0

Avoid these common mistakes

  1. Not reading the TOPIC. Doing this will help you tune in to the lecture.
  2. Get carried away while listening. Taking down some key words pertaining to the topic and main points should help you to concentrate.
  3. Choosing the option with the exact word(s) which you hear in the lecture. In fact, this is the obvious wrong answer!
  4.  Rushing when choosing options. Remember, it’s good practice to spend up to 20 seconds on this question type after the lecture.

Practise the best way to do it

  1. Skim read the topic and the options to help you focus on the topic.
  2. Take brief notes while listening. Ask yourself what the topic is and what the main points are.
  3. As you take notes, notice the use of linking words (e.g., however, because, therefore, but, in conclusion, etc).
  4. Concentrate on the linking word and content when the lecture is nearing the end.
  5. After the lecture is cut off (the beep), take around 20 seconds to systematically eliminate answer choices which are opposite in tone.
  6. Let’s say the tone of the lecture is favourable, but you hear ‘However’ towards the end, so you need to find a word/phrase with a negative sense. Also, note whether you have to choose a strong or weak word.

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