Italian Art

Did you know that 75% of the international artistic property of the world is in Italy?

In Italy you will find art works from 3000 years ago up to now. It seems unbelievable but it is true.

Italy saw art changing during the time. From Roman buildings and works, to Middle Age beauties and up to the modern and contemporary master-works.

COLOSSEO or TORRE DI PISA (the leaning tower) are only a couple of examples known by everybody as for Italian artistic expression. Italian cities are like museums: you will get lost among the beauty of their old squares, ancient streets and famous buildings. You will be impressed by the art of painting as well: churches, palaces and all important buildings (both now and in the past) are covered by art: wall paintings, fresco paintings and many others will give you the sensation to go back of ages.

For those who love art, Italy is the best place to go to have a great meeting with.

Italy is full of art and its language is form of art, too. Italian language has got a sound and music inside itself that makes it one of the most beautiful master-work of the world!

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