Burma (Myanmar)

Burma, which is now known as Myanmar is bordered by China, Thailand, Laos and Bangladesh.   Burma is the 2nd largest country in Southeast Asia with the current population of 55 million people.  It consists of 7 states with 7 regions formerly called divisions.

With Bamar being the main state, the seven other states includes Karen, Shan, Rakhine, Kachin, Mon, Chin and Kayah and the seven divisions being, Thaninthayi, Yangon, Ayeyarwaddy, Bago, Magwe, Mandalay, and Sagaing.

Shans – Shans are ethnically related to the Thai people and they are the second largest population in Myanmar.

Mons – Mon people are one of Myanmar’s oldest civilizations.  They established themselves as the most cultured people in South-east Asia at that time, as their art and architecture clearly show.

Karens – There are more than 2 million Karens in Myanmar and they were among the earliest inhabitants to descend from China down the Irrawaddy River into Burma.

Chins – they are a Tibeto-Burman people who inhabit the great mountain chain running up western Burman into Mizoram in north-east India.

Kayahs – Kayahs are one of the smallest national groups.  Their name became well known due to their brightly coloured head-clothes or shawls that the territory gained its historic name of Karenni which today applies to all the Karen sub-groups in the state.

Kachins – Kachin people lives in the northern part of Shan state.

Rakhines – With Rakhine people, like the Burmese nationals, the Rakhines use Burmese as their national language whereas the people from the other states use their own language.

Myanmar country is well known for their natural gem stones.  For example, mining from the Mandalay division, they have found some of the finest rubies the world has seen and beautiful sapphires, in Thaninthayi division the biggest pearl was discovered, and in the Kachin state, the largest jade dyke was found and many other precious stones are found in Myanmar.  While gem stones are largely found in Myanmar, other sources such as copper, iron, bronze are found from the country.

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