How to control your IELTS Writing?

The key to delivering an essay is efficient and effective time management. You need time to think, time to create and finally time to package.

If you leave it to the last minute, all of these tasks become necessarily compressed or omitted.

If you have drafted an effective plan (with 3 clear points in the essay body), you should find your paragraphs correlating to the flow of your essay plan. The topic sentence of each paragraph in the body should state one of your points and link the paragraph to the essay question.

If you find the words not reading cohesively, there could be a flaw in the structure of your essay that requires major changing before you can complete your essay. Therefore, think and plan carefully before writing your essay.

Organise your time to systematically to create the content paragraph-by-paragraph.

Schedule your time to tackle each paragraph in about 5 to 7 minutes.

Often the hardest part is the Introduction of the essay, so you should spend at least 5 minutes to write this.

It may seem that the Introduction should be the easiest section to write first. However, it is also the section that the examiner reads first, and therefore forms the first impression.

It is important that the introductory paragraph makes a strong impactful impression.

Often, it is good to take at least a 15 second between paragraphs. When you read your latest paragraph with ‘fresh eyes’, you can be more critical of your own work. This way you can pick up technical, grammatical or spelling errors that you might not have seen in the course of generating the content

Dr. Na Pham  22.11.2012

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