Monthly Archives: September 2012

한국어 Sentence Structures

The basic structures in Korean are “Subject+predicate” or “Subject+Object+Predicate.” There is a space between the subject, object, and the predicate, and sentences end with a period.

원빈오빠가subject 가요predicate. Won Bin oppa goes.

애슐리가subject 커피를object 마셔요 predicate. Ashley drinks coffee.


In Korean, a noun and subject marker(i.e.이/가) are placed together to indicate the subject of a sentence, and a noun and object marker (i.e. 을/를) are placed together to represent the object.

원빈오빠+가 가요 -> 원빈오빠가 가요.

애슐리+가 커피+를 마셔요. -> 애슐리가 커피를 마셔요.


멍멍이가 있어요.                              There is a puppy.

애슐리가 책을 읽어요                      Ashley reads a book.

원빈오빠가 밥을 먹어요.                 WonBin oppa eats meals.


In Korean, the predicate of a sentence is comprised of a verb and adjective. The stems of the verbs and adjectives are conjugated to indicate the past, present, and future tenses.

basic/dictionary form 가다    to go                            읽다    to read

Present form               가요                                        읽어요

Past tense                    갔어요                                                읽었어요

Future tense                갈 거예요/ 가겠어요             읽을 거예요/ 읽겠어요


In the above examples, 가다 and 읽다 are the basic forms of the verbs. From these, -어요/ -었/-을 거예요 or –겠are used to conjugate the verb and represent different tenses.

원빈오빠가 책을 읽다.                                             WonBin oppa reads a book.

원빈 오빠가 책을 읽어요.                                        WonBin oppa reads a book.

원빈 오빠가 책을 읽었어요.                                                WonBin oppa read a book.

원빈 오빠가 책을 읽을 거예요/ 책을 읽겠습니다.            WonBin oppa is going to read a



Cho, H. R. & Lee, J.Y. (2008). Practical Korean Basic 1. Seoul : Darakwon.


Written by Eun Kyeong Ashley Jang (Korean teacher)

Sydney Language Solutions Indonesian Language Meetup 9/9/2012

Last Sunday, Sydney Language Solutions has successfully arranged an Indonesian Meet up. The main purpose of this meet up is to introduce our language centre to everyone in Sydney area especially for those who are interested in learning new languages such as Bahasa Indonesia. The meet up group was held in SHALOM Restaurant. The meet up started at 12 noon and finished at approximately 2 PM. We tried 4 different dishes with different level of spiciness. The main idea of sharing the food is to get us closer to each other.

5 people attended the lunch gathering. Most of the participants came from different backgrounds and nationalities which brought the gathering into a new level. The gathering is not only about learning new language, but more about sharing ideas about culture of different countries. For me personally, since I am Indonesian, it is very exciting to hear other people from other nationality talks about their experience in Indonesia. They are also interested in knowing my point of view as an international resident in Australia and about how I feel about this country

The atmosphere of the gathering became more relaxed and the talks flowed quite well. Michael Kiddle, one of SLS’ student who attended the meet up initiated several topics of conversation. Starting from his experience and reason to learn Bahasa Indonesia, his curiosity on how Indonesian people sit back and relax, as well as tourist attraction in Indonesia.

Overall, I believe that the meet up last Sunday was a great success even with a little number of attendees. With initiatives and togetherness, we can be bigger and meet up again next time. So feel free to join us at

– Tirto

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