Daily Archives: August 13, 2011

Sticky notes for new words?

On a recent visit to my friend’s house I noticed that everywhere I looked she had sticky notes (or Post-It Notes) with large letters and pictures to accompany them.  When I asked why, she explained that her young child was having a few problems remembering some of the new letters she was learning at school. Apparently this method was working a treat.

It took me back 20 years to when I first started to learn Japanese.  I would attend class each week and try hard in between lessons to extend my word list before the next class. It was a struggle.

Why didn’t I think of the sticky notes back then as I am sure they have been around since the late 1960s? I am a visual person and need to write things down for them to sink in. I should have stuck those little guys all over the house so everyday I could improve my vocabulary list. Somehow I don’t think one would have stayed on the cat for too long!

Learning a New Language

There are many reasons why people choose to learn a foreign language: for work, for travel, for study, for fun or for love.  The list is endless.

But what is the best way to learn? Now that depends on you. To find the answer you need to stop and ask yourself a few simple questions like, do I have time to commit to months of study or should I just get a taste of a language in a four-hour workshop on the weekend? Am I comfortable trying to speak a new language in front of a small group of people or am I too shy and would rather study one-on-one with a teacher instead?

We understand that everyone’s needs are different and so too is the amount of time and energy they have to commit to something like learning a new language.  That’s why we have options. Check out our Courses page here http://www.sydneylanguagesolutions.com.au/courses and see if something takes your fancy. And remember what Italian film director Federico Fellini said, “A different language is a different vision of life.”

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